The complete process to get over divorce and create a life you love


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The complete process to get over divorce and create a life you love


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"There are not enough words to express my gratitude. For the first time since I was a kid I actually like myself. I see things differently, I think differently. I personally owe these new positive thoughts to you. You are a gift."


"How do you say thank you to someone who has given you your life back? Not only did Julie help me save myself she also saved my new marriage.

I’m a new person. I’m free."


"I wanted to tell you (Julie) that you are a breath of fresh air, when I needed to breath. My storms seem lesser today. I'm getting a richer more fulfilled life. I asked God for help and BAM! You popped in."


"There are not enough words to express my gratitude. For the first time since I was a kid I actually like myself. I see things differently, I think differently. I personally owe these new positive thoughts to you. You are a gift."


"How do you say thank you to someone who has given you your life back? Not only did Julie help me save myself she also saved my new marriage.

I’m a new person. I’m free."


"I wanted to tell you (Julie) that you are a breath of fresh air, when I needed to breath. My storms seem lesser today. I'm getting a richer more fulfilled life. I asked God for help and BAM! You popped in."


And you have come a long way, cheers to that! are ready for more fun, more confidence, and get the life and the LOVE you crave.

You want to "do the work" but you just can't figure out HOW.

Let me know if this sounds familiar...

✔️ You’ve booked yet another session with your therapist, even though it doesn’t feel like you are actually making any progress.

✔️ You are trying to convince yourself that you are OKAY every time a friend asks you the dreaded question… “How are you really feeling?”

✔️ Dating scares the hell out of you because you are afraid of making mistakes, repeating the past, or ending up with the wrong man.

✔️ You feel just plain FRUSTRATED. Even though you are doing ALL of the things you are “supposed to be doing” like going to therapy, reading all the self-help books under the sun. You JUST don't FEEL BETTER yet.


You know you have what it takes to be truly happy after years of hurt caused by your divorce, but you aren’t sure what the next step needs to be to push yourself over the edge from surviving, to THRIVING.

I’m Julie Danielson, the creator of "The Get Over Divorce Collective"a coaching program that helps women heal their heart, create a new vision of their future, and live a life they love.

I'm also the host of the "Get Over Divorce Podcast," that is in the top 1.5% of pods globally.

I was divorced once too. I am also a boy-mom of two awesome young adults, I'm a step-mom to 2 amazing young women, a Mimi to their kiddos.

I am also a HAPPY WIFE the second time around, to an amazing man with integrity who treats me like a queen every day!

It is my goal to help you have that happiness too!

I’m the creator of "The Get Over Divorce Collective"a coaching program that helps women heal their heart, create a new vision of their future, and live a life they love.

I'm also the host of the "Get Over Divorce Podcast," that is in the top 1.5% of pods globally.

I was divorced once too. I am also a boy-mom of two awesome young adults, I'm a step-mom to 2 amazing young women, a Mimi to their kiddos. I am also a HAPPY WIFE to an amazing man with integrity who treats me like a queen every day!

It is my goal to help you have that too!


This elusive idea of having the life of your dreams, where you can have your cake and eat it too (all post divorce!), isn’t just something they do in the movies.

It’s not rocket science!

It truly means no more accepting crumbs in your life.

And it doesn’t have to end with you crying in your wine glass every night wondering when your life is going to drastically change.

In fact, I have created a simple relationship blueprint so you can truly heal from the inside out and create the relationship of your dreams.


When you have the tools in your toolbox to truly feel better, move past your past, and TRUST yourself to make good decisions... you level-up.


“I’ve been to therapy and I’ve done the work - what makes you think I’m going to be able to have a real breakthrough?!“

Everyone loves the idea of being able to heal from divorce without spending 3 months in silent meditation (Hello Eat, Pray, Love, anyone?!), but they get lost in the actual HOW.

Imagine if you had a complete roadmap and a mentor by your side so you can stop spinning on the past and kickoff the next chapter of your life by knowing EXACTLY what you want, and not settling for less than.

Sound like a dream? I promise it’s not….


GET OVER DIVORCE COLLECTIVE is a 6-Month Group and 1 on 1 Program for Women who are ready to finally put herself first after divorce, feel like themselves again, and gain unstoppable confidence, and trust themselves to have their own back and never settle for the wrong guy again. I'll show you HOW.

The Program is Divided into 3 Parts:


  • 2 tools and 7 Online Lessons that teach you How to Get Over Divorce

  • From navigating emotions, to building your independence, and learning how to be your BEST SELF, I put my best content in this program so you don’t have to wait to start the healing process.


  • Live coaching calls with Julie every week

  • Private 1:1 coaching calls with Julie every month


  • An online community of your program peers to help you feel that you are not alone.

  • Julie will show up daily to help answer questions and guide you through the program so you don’t get stuck.

SO WHAT IS "The Work?"
Below is the outline of my signature THRIVE Process that gets you from the PIT of Misery, to confident, healed and whole.


Transform Your Emotions

Learning to manage your mind is the #1 skill that will change your life. Thought work is questioning our thoughts rather than believing everything it serves up to us is a fact.


Heal and Grow

Healing the wounds of your past is essential to making sure you do not repeat those patterns going forward. Without healing, humans repeat
the same relationship mistakes because their subconscious mind is trying to recreate the pain in order to make it different.


Reclaim Your Power

Taking responsibility for what is yours, and rejecting what isn’t. Reclaiming your power means no longer saying yes when you really don’t want to. You have the power to decide what you want, and to stand up for that.


Increase Your Worth

We were born with it, yet as life
happens it chips away at our own feelings of worthiness. You are innately
worthy, it is time you feel it in your bones and deeply believe you matter.


Vision Your Future

Creating a dream life begins with a dream. If you don’t have it, you won’t get it. It all starts with dreaming up a vision of what you want your future to be. Fear stops people from doing this because they don’t want to be disappointed.


Empowered Action

Taking steps towards your goals and dreams is getting out of your comfort zone. It can be scary, but nothing amazing happens in your life by staying inside your comfort zone.


Empowered Dating

Dating is a skill anyone can learn to do well. You will learn how to raise the bar, increase your quality of dates, and how to represent yourself best online.


During these Live Video calls we will go over a short relevant lesson that applies to everyone. I will check in with each member and see what each is struggling with for a laser coaching moment. Each session is recorded, just in case you miss!

During these Live Video calls we will go over a short relevant lesson that applies to everyone. I will check in with each member and see what each is struggling with for a laser coaching moment. Each session is recorded, just in case you miss!

This 160 Page Workbook will be mailed to you once you join the program! The transformation you’ll experience over the next 6 months is unrecognizable, which is why this workbook is here to support you in seeing how far you’ve come.

This 160 Page Workbook will be mailed to you once you join the program! The transformation you’ll experience over the next 6 months is unrecognizable, which is why this workbook is here to support you in seeing how far you’ve come.

We will go deeper on each of these calls to make sure you are on track to reach your goals and get everything and more, out of this program. This program is the only way to work with me one-on-one!

We will go deeper on each of these calls to make sure you are on track to reach your goals and get everything and more, out of this program. This program is the only way to work with me one-on-one!

This is a 6-month coaching & curriculum implementation program to walk you through the THRIVE PROCESS, so you have a crystal clear path towards creating a future that you love.



"To say that this program changed my life would be an understatement. When I look back at myself last year compared to today, I am 100% more confident. I can keep my emotions in check. I absolutely know I am meant to have the best life for me!"


"[The Program] helped me get to a place I thought I could never get to. So much more alive so much more full of energy, and so much more aware of everything that I am a better person to be around."


"I truly feel healthy and whole emotionally. And I feel like there is nothing I can't accomplish if I decide I want it. If I knew then what I know now I would pay double!



When I book a call for a Divorce Breakthrough Session, is there a cost?

The breakthrough session is FREE, it is part of your application process. If you book this call it is based on the premise you are ready to move forward with joining this program.

This session is to determine if I feel I can help you, if so I will invite you to join!

When do I start?

As long as you are physically separated from your spouse, you can start right away. Healing happens when you are on your own. From the moment you join you will receive a welcome email with all the information to dive in and get started. Your first group call will be this coming Monday.

Your first step is booking your Divorce Breakthrough Session at the bottom of this page.

How is the program delivered?

There are several ways we interact over the next 6 months that we will be working together.

1. Online group calls over Zoom each week on Monday at 5 Pacific and 8 Eastern.

2. Private one on one calls with me so we can go deep on your specific needs (you get to pick the times on my calendar for these.)

3. Private Facebook group where we interact and the group calls are recorded and held for re-watching.

4. Lessons in a members only area that you will have a password and login for to enter. These lessons are dripped each week for 8 weeks and will provide the tools you need to transform your life!

How do I know this will work for me?

On the divorce breakthrough call, I will evaluate all of the answers to the questions I ask you. I am looking for women who rather talk about their future and the things they want going forward. Rather than the ladies that want to blame their ex and get me on board with that or worse... help them get back with him. (not a fit for this program)

If you are really committed to having a life you will love, then you will do all the work in this program, and you will get there. Many women before you have done it and it is a proven step-by-step program. You don't have to try to "figure it out" for yourself. This program is the fast track to your healing.

This is like going to a gym and having a personal trainer, they are going to guide you, but you do the work. Same here, only I am a personal trainer for your MIND, and you still do the heavy lifting. 

Wouldn't it be faster for me to just get a new boyfriend?


And yes. But I'll explain that in a moment.

Like attracts like. If you are in the pit of misery you are going to attract a man that likes that. He will want to rescue you, likely a narcissist or some kind of predator, or he is incredibly hurt and broken himself.

It is my goal in this program to get you 100% whole, where you don't NEED a man. That is a great place to date from because you are confident and healthy, that version of you will magnatize amazing men to you if that is what you want.

So dating when you are whole has a lot of benefits, you attract whole and healthy men, you get to be very selective, you will be confident to turn someone away that displays red flags.

So it is not that I don't want you to date, on the contrary, I hope to get your date ready and to the point where you don't feel like you need a man. Then you date from a place of power and create the relationship of your dreams that you will learn to do in my program.

What is the cost?

This is a life changing experience for you that will change the trajectory of your life.

There is a $6K investment. Investing Money in yourself to reach your goals is a big step towards building self-love and self-trust. It is showing yourself you are committed to making your life better. This will be discussed during your breakthrough session. Once we have determined if this program is a fit for you to help you reach your healing goals, I will invite you in.

If it is not a fit we will make other recommendations and you can continue to enjoy all the free content Julie provides in the the Facebook group, podcast and more.

How much time does it take each week?

Our weekly group calls take about 1 hour. Then you get to do the lessons in the program on your own time. Those lessons take about 45 minutes to watch plus there is some guided journaling homework. 

Your commitment to this process is critical. Information is not going to cause transformation, it is your commitment to do this work that will. Falling behind with the program and homework is normal, some take more than 1 week for you to process in your mind, but that happens in the shower, in the car, shopping.

Doing your regular daily activities where you go about your life and apply the tools you learn here. Practice is how you really learn to get control of your emotions and truly heal.

Some ladies say "I don't have time for this."

The reality is, the way they live their chaotic life is one of the things they need to work on in coaching. We all have the same 24 hours in a day, but if we are spending many of those hours in a destructive way, numbing ourselves to feel better, then that is an area we could work on.H

Why would I do life coaching if I can get counseling for free?

I love a good counselor and I believe we all need one at some point in our lives. The truth is in the training, counselors use methods to peel back the layers of your past and get really clear on why you are the way you are. They will ask you ALL about the past. Their goal is to get you to where you are living productively.

With coaching, we are FUTURE focused and we teach you tools and skills to overcome the past while creating a powerful and amazing future. Not only do we help your process the past but we work on actively letting go of the guilt, blame, and shame emotions that are holding you back from really experiencing more joy. The coach is going to take you from living to THRIVING.

Coaching will powerfully move you to take massive action on your goals so you are creating and amazing life you love.

What if it doesn't work for me?

If you do all the work, attend all the calls including your one on ones with me and you show up in complete commitment every week, it will work if you do the work.

If you are looking for some kind of guarantee that it works than you are actually looking for a fall back plan for your own lack of commitment. I've seen this before and I rather only take on clients that are fully committed, they get the results they come for.

Do you only work with Woman who are divorced?

I only work with any gender identity or people of any sexual orientation. But my main program offering is for people who identify as women only because of the group setting.  

I work with others on an individual basis, they still get the program, the same info as the group. But it is more custom and individualized.

Whether you JUST got divorced and it’s been a while, OR way too long and you just can’t quite crack the code on healing...

Whether you JUST got divorced and it’s been a while, OR way too long and you just can’t quite crack the code on healing...




  • You are a high achieving woman at work, yet you can't seem to translate that success into your personal life.

  • You feel like you know all the "things" and you should be over it by now and living your best life, but you're just not. You still carry some resentment about your ex that is causing havoc.

  • You are struggling with your emotions and your ex easily triggers you. It feels crazy-making, but you can't stop yourself from losing it.

  • You want a real LIFE PARTNER one day, but after this divorce, you are afraid that you are too old, broken, fill in the blank... to find love.

  • You know relationships after divorce can happen, but you just don't feel confident that you won't repeating mistakes from the past and that terrifies you.

  • You want more out of life but you don't know what steps to take in order to get the good life that you deserve.




  • You are looking for the magic pill that’s going to make everything in your life okay again.

  • You are not separated and not sure if you are getting divorced - to be successful in this program you must be on that path already.

  • You are not ready to commit time, money, and the effort it takes to get out of your comfort zone and create a permanent solution to change your life.

  • You still think you can figure it out on your own. (this program is for women who are ready for to take action and have massive change in their life.)


✅ Invest time, money and effort so that you can create the life of your dreams.

✅ Take massive action on a PROVEN system

✅ Put the past behind you so you can live a bigger more richer life by putting yourself FIRST, then SMASH that button below, don't wait.

✅ Invest time, money and effort so that you can create the life of your dreams.

✅ Take massive action on a PROVEN system

✅ Put the past behind you so you can live a bigger more richer life by putting yourself FIRST

Stay the Same

Continue doing what you are doing. Slowly, for better or for worse, you will create a new normal.

Scroll on Facebook wishing you had that life...

Scroll Facebook and Pinterest for hours searching for the perfect solution to feeling better.

Join Amazing Women on this Journey

You've made it this far on your own, now it's time to join the family! It will still take time to get where you want to be in your life, but at least you'll have a family there for you every step of the way :)

Your future self is waiting for you to COURAGEOUSLY SHOW UP.

I created Thriving Through Divorce with YOU in mind.

After years of working directly with women post divorce, I know what works and what is a waste of your precious time and energy.